“A heArtist who specializes in reclaiming the connection to self through the heart with her vibrant being, nature, sound medicine, cacao facilitation and yoga. 

She will take you deep into the unknown territories of self-love.


When we connect to our sacred heart we activate our intuition that is here to guide you on your unique life path. I believe it to be your birthright to feel free to be you and by being your authentic self you access your true potential and natural born gifts. 

My highest excitement is to evoke you to live from love. We are here to break the chains from the past and create a bright future for ourselves and the ones yet to come. And that’s where I come in.

I am here to mirror back to you, your unique greatness so you may remember your true calling.

-Heiðrún María

From the beginning….

I remember always feeling highly sensitive, questioning this human existence, feeling as if I were too sensitive for this world.. unable to discern my own feelings and from others.

Having no guidance in my sensitivities, feeling the intensity of pain in my surroundings I started to close off.

The overwhelm of not knowing how to express all the emotions and energies at the age of 7 I began experiencing intense rage issues that caused warts all over my body. This immense rage acted also as a way to isolate myself from others.

Through my early teenage years into my early adulthood I felt unsafe to be me. So I found my way by playing it “safe” blending in with the popular crowds.

Through the years of hiding from myself my body manifested many dis-eases as a cry for help (depression, anxiety, digestive issues, skin problems, sleep issues, body pains, bleeding disorder..)

Most of my young life I felt as an outcast, separate from the whole.. always looking for my crowd, never feeling fully home.

It was not until I realised after coming home from long travels around the world after collage what was actually going on.. that I had truly never since 5 years old felt safe to be myself, that I had so many masks and had no idea what was underneath.

So the healing journey started, through countless hours listening to spiritual teachers, finding yoga, reading books on healing, seeking energy healing, many ego-deaths and defeats.. Even so.. after some years of this I still felt lost.. endless looking, and I was tired.

I finally surrendered to my true expression.

I gave up.

I made an oath to myself.

That I would from that moment on, follow my intuition no matter what.

Even if I had no idea how to do so.. I had no other choice, I just knew it.

After that moment, everything changed and things drastically started moving forward.

Finding my teachers and tools for my healing.

From this moment, for me to truly be me, I had to let got of everything and everyone who were not in resonance with my truth.

Being vulnerable and truly opening my heart in ways I knew not were possible.

Long story short..


I am committed to being in service for greatest good.

I made my way trough and have come home to wholeness.

And I am here for you to do the same.

Here I am, in my fullest expression, my truth, vulnerable, sensitive, with empathy as my superpower.

Guiding you home to your hearts, awakening your intuition, empowering the empath, activating the life-force energy & remembering your pristine truth.

I believe in the power of radical self-love, inner work & healing.

And with my highly sensitive nature I see through the illusions that keep you small, I feel your heart and I will hold you there in the highest list, keeping you accountable in living a life of alignment.

more on my journey … 

The path of yoga

From a young age yoga was introduced into my life and this was a big shift for me and my state of being.

I started my deeper studies of yoga in Barcelona in 2018 with Yoga Body and Lucas Rockwood, that lead me into Baptiste Power Yoga and Yin Yoga studies with Alice Riccardi for 2019.

For the continuous years I taught the discipline of Baptiste Power yoga and yin yoga and kept on training with various teachers in workshops. 

Sound & Frequency

From yoga I got introduced to sound healing. I trained with Arnbjörg from Gong North learning about gongs and studied with Sarasvati Om for crystal alchemy bowls.

This I incorporated into my classes and workshops and witnessed the deep healing of sound and frequency in my offerings and sessions. Today I incorporate sound healing in my sessions, ceremonies & workshops.

The power of the Breath

Life led me to my teacher Nicolai Engelbracht whom I have studied with and taught alongside since 2019. The healing power of the breath radically changed my life, it brought deep healing on all levels.

The breath is one of the most accessible and expansive ways to expand our energy, our prana, the subtle life force energy within.

The food of the gods

Cacao found it’s way into my life in 2017, I was led into a cacao ceremony that I had no clue would change my life. Through cacao ceremonies and retreats, slowly and steadily feeling myself coming home to my heart and feeling safe in my true self expression.

In 2020 I travelled to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where I studied deeper with cacao and ceremony facilitation with Júlía Óttars and Keith Wilsson. 

Today I work intimately with this sacred plant in ceremonies, workshops, retreats and 1:1 sessions.

Cacao is an amazing facilitator for assisting us in remembrance and embodiment of our truth.

Coming back to
your Nature

My greatest teacher, mother nature. Through various personal initiations of connecting with the elements I have come closer to myself, my essence through mother nature.

I am deeply passionate about reconnecting to nature and how this reconnection is a direct link to our selfs, to god. 

It is my greatest joy to evoke this re-connection, to the divine, that is available to us at all times. A potent and pure teacher.

Through nature retreats, immersions and 1:1 sessions I have witnessed others have immense transformation.

Let’s Connect

I love co-creation!

Do you have some special idea’s or would like to book me for something special?

Reach out and send me a love letter.

Follow my journey